Should you start a pole class? Spoiler: yes.

We know it takes a lot of courage to step into a pole studio for the first time. We know because we have all done it too. Let us guess what you are thinking as you hover over the 'book now' button of your local studio website and allow me to answer them...

You say:

I will start when I have lost weight and got more confidence

We say:

Aaaaaarrrrrrggghhhhhh. Although we understand that it's natural to think this, this is our biggest peeve by far. The whole point of pole is that we help with both. In fact, the two biggest reasons to start pole dance & fitness classes is to help with weight loss/toning and to give you the confidence you deserve. 

You say:

What if everyone is amazing and I look like a useless lump.

We say:

Stop talking bull (we mean that in the nicest way). No one just jumps on a pole with the skills of a professional. A beginner class is for beginners. It's for people who want to try pole alongside other people who want to try it.

You say:

I have not got a clue what to expect. It won't be like the usual fitness class.

We say:

You're right, it really isn't your usual fitness class. The reason why you're reading this is because you WANT to try something different to the norm. Different is good. However, we do hold the same core values as any fitness groups such as motivation, self belief, a friendly fun atmosphere, toning & weight loss, confidence and something to be proud as punch for being a part of.

You say: 

Surely everyone in class will laugh in my face for even entertaining the idea that I could be a kick ass pole dancer?

We say:

Of course not. And deep down we know that you don't really believe that either. Would you laugh at someone else trying a pole trick? What will happen though is a bloody great big cheer when you do achieve a spin. Pole studios are fun, supportive and inclusive environments. And if anyone were to even hint at putting someone else down, they would be through the front door with a glittered 8" heel up their jacksie. 

You say: 

God, I can't do all that dancey stuff

We say:

Ask yourself if you a) don't want to do the dancer stuff because you just aren't into it or b) secretly want to do the dancey stuff but think you'll suck balls at it.

If it's 'a' then find the class that doesn't focus on pole dance (we have tricks and ‘pole fitness’ style classes too. If its 'b' then 99% of our students have no clue of where to start with the dance side either. Doing it all together means that you can have a giggle with each other whilst you try. This can give students a huge bond. And when the dance side does become natural, which it WILL, your new pole friends will be the first to cheer you on. Some of the sexiest pole dancers started off petrified at the thought of a hair flick. Now they can't eat a bowl of Cornflakes without a body wave.

You say: 

I have zero strength

We say:

Cool. We believe you haha. That means we can teach you exactly how to build strength alongside everyone else that has started with zero strength too. Done.

You say: 

Me. Legs out. Jog on, sunshine.

We say:

If only you could nip into the Delorian about 4 months into the future. You are wearing butt cheek bottoms and a crop top BY CHOICE. The confidence that pole class gives you is life changing for so many people. Also, all you will care about is having enough flesh on show to give you the grip you need for those new nemesis pole tricks. Start in gym shorts and a vest top and go from there. You are never expected to rock up in a bikini (although that would be fabulous).

You say:

Everyone will think I am a stripper and change their perception of me

We say:

If you associate with morons, then yeah, probably. Also, some people just don't understand what goes into each pole class you attend or all of the wonderful ways it can change your life. That's ok. Once you have started pole, you will be extremely proud of the strength, confidence and skills that you have built so YOUR perception will be all you need. They should just get ready for the fountain of pole updates and photographs you will be flooding your social media with.

You say:

Er, right, ok. I reckon I will have a bash then.

We say:

Good stuff. He who dares Rodders, he who dares.

Beware: Pole can change your life more than you ever thought possible. Just ask pretty much every other pole student/instructor/professional you can find!


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